Thursday, March 26, 2009

What did you say?

Mr. B (almost 18 months) has quite the budding vocabulary. No surprise considering his big sister and her non-stop chatting! Here are a few of the fun things he says:

"waff" - waffle

"ee a go" - here you go

"ank oo" - thank you

"man e nin" - Madeline

"guck" - truck

"gack" - snack

"wadoo" - water

"muck" - milk

And of course, too many more too count, a few of which are mama, dada, ball, bowl, night-night, cat, dog, and lots of animal sounds.

It is so fun to watch his personality continue to develop. He is very much a mamas boy right now (much to my chagrin!) and he screams whenever I even leave the room, but we are assuming this is a passing phase and hope it ends quickly! Other than that, he is so easy going and loves to play with trains, cars, and anything else that "goes" - typical boy, right???

1 comment:

Ben O. said...

I bet you have to keep from laughing when he wants more "muck".

Sort of softens my appetite.