Monday, October 26, 2009

Rodeo "Odie" Meyers joins the family!

We've been talking about adding a second cat to our family and this little guy just happened to "find" me over the weekend. I was on a walk with a friend and we passed by a woman who had just taken a box of kittens out of her car (she was on her way to the park to see if she could find homes for them). I knew once I looked inside it would be hard to resist so I called Jon and he was up for it! Little Odie is a bundle of adorable, fun energy and I think he'll be a great addition. We're taking him to the vet today to get him checked out, as we've been keeping him separate from Hazie just in case there are any health issues. We'll keep you posted on how their introduction goes...

1 comment:

Laurie, Sam and Cohen said...

oh my gosh...cutest thing ever!!