Wednesday, April 22, 2009


I was very remiss about capturing the Easter festivities on the actual day, so the photos below will have to do. I didn't even manage to get the kids with their baskets - oh well! We enjoyed a wonderful service at church (joined by Jon's parents, Sandy, and Dave) and then spent the afternoon/evening at San and Dave's. The weather was cold and rainy so we did an indoor egg hunt for the kids - they didn't seem to mind as it was a means to an end - a very candy filled end, at that!

Maddie and B all gussied up for Easter

Some of the eggs we dyed

Decorating the Easter cookies


Goodworth Family said...

love it meg - love love maddie's dress on easter and brogan's face doing the eggs!

MegSteph said...

I seriously want to put B in my pocket and take him home with me. SO CUTE.