The last month flew by! Not sure what "major" activities we did, but from the looks of the photos, we did a lot of building and constructing. The kids both love to work with their hands when it comes to play time and it's lots of fun for me and Jon, too!

One of Maddie and Daddy's famous pillow forts

Brogan had so much fun playing in this bin!

Shaving cream mountains

Our little engineer. I hate to label the kid at such a young age, but he seriously gets it done with the tinker toys and other blocks!!

Our church skate night - Maddie's first time on wheels and she loved it!

Zoo outing on one of the many warm January days - here's Maddie with Josh and Ethan

B and Maddie wearing their "capes"

Just about the only snow day last month - we made the most of it!

A floor to ceiling block tower. Clearly Daddy's project as I can't get more than 2 blocks to stack up at a time...

Maddie built this domino tower all by herself!
Classic block tower for Jon...quite impressive!
yay - pretty sure the labeling of Brogan will stick -that is ridiculous both in engineering and in fine motor skills
Fun to look over your pictures from the last couple of months! LOVE the mini-vacuum that Brogan was using. Gavin would seriously love that! I agree that we should get together. Let's email to make that happen in 2009 :)
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