Tuesday, May 13, 2008

Brogan's Dedication

We enjoyed celebrating Mother's Day by having Brogan dedicated at church. It was a wonderful time with family as we promised to do our best to raise the little guy as God would have us do!

We enjoyed having lunch with Jon's folks and his Aunt Debbie after the service and then I played Mrs. Green Thumb all afternoon as I planted flowers in several pots. I got them all arranged in the yard just in time to hear the weather forecast for SNOW last night, so I quickly put them in the garage for the night. Of course, the snow never came and instead we're getting a lot of wonderful rain that my flowers are missing out on. Oh well. That's Spring in the Rockies for you!

1 comment:

The Scottish Reslers said...

Welcome to the Blogging world! We love the name Brogan too and have will name our next boy Brogan as well. The pictures look great and I am glad that you had a great Mother's Day Meg.

We will actually be up in Denver the week of July 20th. We would love to see you guys during that week. Plus, I will be at Steve's big day. It will just be me and I should get there on Saturday.