At the pool in AZ at Jon's folks' place.

Ok, it's been more than 2 months since my last update. Let's see what's happened since then...
I was asked to help out at a colleague's office for a week while the office manager was out. A week turned into a month, which turned into a permanent position (as a meeting planner, not the office manager!). It's actually been an obvious answer to prayer and so far it's just a great arrangement. The company is Kinsley and I have known just about everybody there for years due to my industry volunteer position. I'm working 3 days/week and then traveling as necessary for clients. Needless to say, this all happened very quickly so most of January and early February were a blur of adjusting to life as a working mom of 2!! Jon and the kids have been awesome and we've definitely settled into a routine.
February was also a bit nutty. Not only did I accept the permanent position but I traveled to Dallas with the team for a huge conference. The week after I got back, Jon was off to a 3 day meeting in CO Springs. In the midst of THAT, my sweet 83-year-old Grandma had her knee replaced and we did our best to visit and help out as much as we could. Then the 4 of us headed to AZ for some time with various family and a little break from the cold winter weather. We had a blast!
March began with Madeline's 5th birthday on the 1st. We celebrated in AZ with the family there and then had a family dinner here in CO, followed by her official party - "Cooking with Chef Madeline". 12 friends at our house to make pizzas, decorate cupcakes, and do all other official birthday "stuff". It was such a wonderful time and I think Maddie loved every minute of it! My dad was in town for the festivities and we were blessed to have him be a part of things.
SOOOO, here it is, March 14, and I think, I THINK, our life is going to be a bit quieter for the next few weeks. At least I hope so.
Here are a few other random thoughts/kid comments/stories from the last 2 months:
Maddie to Jon upon the arrival of his giant order of chips and guacamole at a restaurant- "I'm not really a fan of chips".
Brogan to Maddie when she asks to use his scooter - "No. You have your own". B didn't even look at her or stop what he was doing to respond.
Brogan talks like Elmer Fudd - no "R's" or "L's". For example: "Peese, I have a yittle bit mo?" when asking for something else to eat. Or, "Mommy, I wiwwy, wiwwy, want to get to the zoo". It's pretty cute.
I'm sure there are other endearing memories but I'll be honest, today was ROUGH and not much else is coming to mind. At least that is sweet and worth noting. I'm pretty sure you don't want to read a post about 2 year olds spitting in the grocery store or 5 year olds throwing fits about toys their brothers "borrowed".....