Yesterday was Madeline's pre-school Thanksgiving Feast - so much fun! Jon couldn't join us as he's been serving on a jury all week so it was me and the kids. Maddie's class (in the Native American costumes) joined with another class (dressed as Pilgrims) and sang a few songs. I took the video on our old-school video camera, which means I don't have a digital file to post. But I'll write the lyrics to one of the songs as it was just too funny! After the "show", we all enjoyed a teaser Thanksgiving meal - can't wait for the real thing on Thursday!

"Mr. Turkey"
Mr. Turkey, Mr. Turkey
Are you getting nice and fat?
We are waiting for Thanksgiving
So what do you think of that?
Mr. Turkey, Mr. Turkey
Do you ever wonder why
People eat you at Thanksgiving
Instead of Chicken Pie?
Brogan has learned most of this song and it is hysterical to listen to the two of thing sing it. There are funny motions that go along with it, too.